Connected Creation
Nurturing our Souls through Art
Whether it is working with clay, wood, fabrics, words, instruments or song, the inner self is capable of so much divine creation! Experience how you can empower and transform what needs to change whilst working in a safe circle with sisters
I Reclaim my Body - I Print my Yoni ; in a circle of sisters we connect to our body's and to our yoni's, we dance and reclaim what is ours, witnessed by our sisters. To affirm our inner work, we enter our own creative zone and start our individual art project of printing our yoni's.
Creative Goddess Connection; in a circle of sisters we connect in different and active ways to the Goddess, the Goddess within each other and the Goddess within ourselves. A deep journey brings us to the Goddess we need to support us, and whilst entering a creative meditation space we will see which Goddess sculpture arises from our hands.